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Crop Production :: Cereals :: Rice :: Transplanted Puddled Lowland Rice
Nutrient Management

Application of inorganic fertilizers

  • Apply fertilizer nutrients  as per soil test recommendations
  • N dose may be through Leaf Color Chart (LCC)
  • P & K may be through Site Specific Nutrition Management by Omission plot technique (Ref. Appendix II)
  • If the above recommendation are not able to be followed, adopt blanket recommendation as follows:
Nutrients N P2O5 K2O fertilizer
Short duration varieties (dry season)      
a) Cauvery delta & Coimbatore tract 150 50 50
b) For other tracts 120 40 40
Medium and long duration varieties (wet season) 150 50 50
Hybrid rice 175 60 60
Low N responsive cultivars (like Improved White Ponni) 75* 50 50

*For Ponni, N should be applied in three splits at AT, PI and H stages** in addition to GLM or FYM application.
**Phenological stages of rice (days after sowing)

Stages Short (105) Medium (135) Long (150)
Active Tillering (AT) 35-40 50-55 55-60
Panicle Initiation (PI) 45-50 70-75 85-90
Heading (H) 70-75 100-105 115-120

Application of P fertilizer

  • P may be applied as basal and incorporated.
  • When the green manure is applied, rock phosphate can be used as a cheap source of P fertilizer. If rock phosphate is applied, the succeeding rice crop need not be supplied with P. Application of rock phosphate + single super phosphate or DAP mixed in different proportions (75:25 or 50:50) is equally effective as SSP or DAP alone.

Split application of N and K

  • Apply N and K in four equal splits viz., basal, tillering, panicle initiation and heading stages.
  • Tillering and Panicle initiation periods are crucial and should not be reduced with the recommended quantity.
  • N management through LCC may be adopted wherever chart is available as given below 
Updated on Dec 2022

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