Agriculture and allied enterprises were selected based on environment and performed in joint manner is called as integrated farming system.
Agriculture is an important sector in our country, with seventy percent of the total land area is cultivated under rainfed situation. Rainfed, one or two acres of land holding farmers like small and marginal farmers can’t rely on agriculture alone throughout the year. Due to nature and timing impact their unable to perform agriculture in a successful one. The loss is more than the profits for farmers. To change this situation, it is very important to establish integrated system of agriculture. By adopting agriculture with allied enterprises will generate self-employment and income throughout the year. It will increase the economic status and standard of living of the farmers.
Therefore, if farmers undertake country chicken rearing under integrated farming system can fulfil their daily requirement and provides static income which enhances their standard of living.
Traditionally grew the country birds were reared in integrated farming system at the pond bank will fulfil the nutritional needs of the population under the poverty line. This ensures that farmers receive resources for their lives.
Moreover, country chicken rearing can be integrated with fish. By this, water and landmass is fully used. The birds grew in the bank of pond, will serve as fertilizer machine and enriches pond’s nutrient status and increase the yield. Integrated farming system generates employment opportunity with reduction in cost.
- Balanced diet
- Productivity improvement
- Higher living standards
- Increased employment opportunity
- Recycling of farm waste
- Higher income
- Increased land use
In these situation, country chicken rearing through integrated farming system is turned as profitable business. So let's think about rearing country chicken in accordance to integrated farming system.
Country chicken grown in the backyards are not followed any modern technology. In this situation reduction in productivity observed due to fodder scarcity. But in intensive country chicken rearing method follow the balanced feed and preventive measures for pest and diseases will make the country chicken rearing is the profitable business.
Country chicken with fish farming
Integrating country chicken with fish farming can be done in two ways.
1. Direct Integration: In this method, fish farming was done with Country chicken, poultry shed was built on top of the tank and hen waste automatically fall into the pond to fish as feed. Probably this is called double layer method. Fish in the lower layer, i.e, the upper layer of the water tank and country chicken in the upper layer is the growing method.
2. Indirect Integration:
In this system, country chicken was reared in the pond bank, hen shed was cleaned weekly once and the excreta were spread on top of the pond or keep as heap in every corner of the pond. This practice may followed in the early morning.
In both this method of country chicken reared with fish farming in integrating method. The following management practices in the handling of such integrated country chicken with fish farming reared is very important. They are
- Country chicken rearing methods.
- Country chicken shed.
- Country chicken species.
- Country chicken stocking (stocking density)
- Feed given to country chickens.
- Egg laying country chicken Care.
- Disease management in country chicken.
Country chicken growing method:
Country chicken cultivation in backyard:
Generally farmers rearing country chicken in their house in the backyard. While rearing lesser number of country chicken, birds sheltered night only and moving throughout the day in the garden of the house, backyard and fed kitchen waste, grains, worms, insects and locked only at night. In this method daily clean the chicken excreta and fed to the fishes in the fish pond or used as fertilizer after decomposition. In this method outcome of excreta was comparatively lesser than others.
Rearing country chicken in shed: When the fish was reared with country chicken shed method is suitable one. On commercial cultivation of country chicken under shed method yield more profits than backyard rearing. In shed method unnecessary roaming can be avoided energy loss and supply of good quality feed on need basis will yield better and higher income. There are two types of shed rearing is there;
1. Cage System:
In this method, on top of the fish pond birds shed were lined and arrange to fall the country chicken excreta into the pond and it was used as feed for fish. If poultry sheds were kept in pond bank and cultivated in cage system means every cage place the plate to collect the poultry droppings. This was used for fish feed.
2. Deep mulching method: In this method country chicken shed was kept on bank of fish pond or near by place it can be cultivated. The cement floor of the shed was spread with rice husk, groundnut shell, coconut fibre were used as mulches it was maintained for the height upto a feet from the floor. The droppings were collected for every two months after decomposition it was used as feed for fish in fish pond. Poultry manure contains 25.5% organics, 1.63% nitrogen, 1.54% phosphorus and 0.83% potassium.
Country chicken shed installation: In country chicken, for good egg and meat production provide sufficient space, select right place, good air movement, light source, floor should not be moisturized and also it has to be cooler in summer and warm during winter. For roof coconut or palmyrah palm leaf can be used. The shed height should be 12 meter (it should be low cost one).
In direct integration method, the shed placed 1.2-1.5 m above from the pond upper layer. These kind of sheds developed with low cost material with simplified one. One bird requires 1 to 2 square feet space in the shed. So integrated system provide space according to number of birds reared.
Country chicken species: In Tamil Nadu, the most popular country chicken is is acil as quarrel hen. This species is grown for quarrel. Moreover, kirappukkoli, ?????????????????, karunkalikkoli, kontaikkoli, kuruvukkoli species and their hybrids grown in the villages for meat and eggs.
Such country chickens when reared under deep mulching or cage system through the integrated farming system, farmers will get more profit.
Stocking up of country chickens:
Eight week old country chickens stocked into shed before releasing the fisher lings in fish pond (a month earlier). Before putting younger ones clean the shed. The birds water and food container had sanitized with cleaning agent. For an hectare of farm 500-600 stocking density can be reared.
Birds which are stop laying the eggs in farm and remove it in within 18 months and include new birds.
The droppings of birds contain 10% more protein and phosphorus nutrients are fed to fish, which resulted higher production.
Giving fodder to country birds :
For Country chickens reared in intensive system, should be given a balanced feed. According to their growth, three types of feeds can be given. These include: -
- Chicken younger one feed - 40-45 g / day upto 8 weeks of age should be given.
- Growing stage feed - 50-70 g / day upto 8 to 24 weeks.
- Egg laying stage feed - 80-120 g / day for 24 weeks aged birds should be given.
For country birds fed mainly starch, fiber, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins and water.
Farmers can utilize the available raw materials in their area like grains, variety of cakes, bran varieties, fish pieces, vitamin and minerals are mixed and grained to make poultry feed. For chickens, both in the morning and evening feed had to be given. Such feed increased the growth of chickens and egg production. Ensure the supply of Clean, cold water available to the birds.
In country birds shed there is on upper horn / boughs should be tied. Because, after 8th week onwards birds sitting on top of its and begin to relax. Country birds as well as naturally in the soil and is spread by rolling dust, so keep dry soil in a pot and put it in inside of the shed.
Caring of egg laying country hens:
Calcium supplements should be added to the feeds for egg laying birds. Shells are mixed with feed it will supply calcium. Country birds begin laying eggs first 24th week onwards. It lays upto 72 weeks (18 months). Country birds lays 80 - 100 eggs in a year. Eighteen months old birds are removed from the farm and new growth birds to be stocked. In the corner of the shed keep straw in the pot to facilitate residing of hatching birds. It helps to relax hatching birds.
Disease management in country hens: Country birds are more disease resistant. Even though, country birds susceptible to some diseases. The lack of maintenance of poultry or their lack of immunity in the body due to this disease incidence occur and impact on economic losses. For country birds proper deworming and health care and proper treatment can help prevent the disease. Detection and appropriate treatment of the symptoms of the disease will avoid the mortality of birds.
Country hens reared with fisheries could produce egg, meat and fish production farmers can earn more income.