Cultural Practices for Tissue Culture Banana
Variety Spacing No.of plants per acre
Dwarf Cavendish 5.5’ X 5.5’ 1440
Nendran , Robusta 6’ X 6’ 1210
Giant cavendish 7’ X 7’ 890
Red banana 8’ X 8’ 680
Banana Multiplying Culture
Land Preparation
Prepare land by deep ploughing followed by harrowing and bring the soil to a fine tilth.
Dig pits of size 2ft. x 2ft x 2ft. Fill pits with well decomposed farm yard manure (FYM) / compost / cattle manure : sand and soil in 1:1:1 proportion. The organic manure (FYM or Compost or cattle manure) should be about 15 to 20 kg per pit. The sand component in the soil mixture can be adjusted according to the drainage capability of the soils.
Field Planting
Polybag should be slit and removed before planting. The plants may be inserted into the centre of the filled pit without disturbing the roots. The soil level must be maintained at the same level as in the polybag.
Banana Cultures Rooting
Irrigation can be done through the drip irrigation system. Water requirement of Banana plant is 20 ltrs. per day/plant under the drip irrigation system.
In case of severe summer one flood irrigation may be given per month.
Fertilizer Application
Fertilizer may be applied in eight spilt doses.
Apply 1st and 2nd dose of fertilizers 15 to 20 cm away from the plant in ring method of application.
3rd and 4th dose of fertilizers should be applied 40 to 50 cm away from the plant in the same fashion.
The 5th to 8th fertilizer dose should be applied 60cm to 75 cm away.
Schedule for Fertilizer application
Fertilizer application depends upon fertility of the soil. It is advisable to apply fertilizer as per soil test data. The general recommendation of 180 : 180 : 270 g of NPK / plant, in split doses may be applied as per the following schedule.
S.No. |
Period of Application (Days after planting) |
Fertilizer Dosage (Gms / plant) |
Slno |
Fer appln.Time |
GN Cake |
Gingelly cake |
Neem cake |
Vermi Compost |
Kavya |
1 |
1st Day |
6 Kgs |
30gms |
30gms |
30gms |
100gms |
500ml |
2 |
30th Day |
6 Kgs. |
30gms |
30gms |
30gms |
100gms |
500ml |
3 |
60th Day |
6 Kgs. |
30gms |
30gms |
30gms |
100gms |
500ml |
4 |
90th Day |
6 Kgs. |
30gms |
30gms |
30gms |
100gms |
500ml |
5 |
120th Day |
2 Kgs. |
90gms |
90gms |
90gms |
100gms |
500ml |
6 |
150th Day |
2 Kgs. |
90gms |
90gms |
90gms |
100gms |
500ml |
7 |
180th Day |
2 Kgs. |
100gms |
100gms |
100gms |
200gms |
500ml |
8 |
210th Day |
2 Kgs. |
100gms |
100gms |
100gms |
200gms |
500ml |
32 Kgs. |
500gms |
500gms |
500gms |
1000gms |
4000ml |
Green manuring insitu with sunhemp or daincha is advised as intercrop to avoid the weed growth and the same may be used as mulch and simultaneously it can be incorporated in the root zone of the plant.
Plant Protection
Tissue culture banana plants are disease free at the time of supply. With good management, a pest free crop can be raised.
Apply 400gms of Neem cake along with the pit mixture before planting. Spray Panchakavya or Neem oil in the 2nd and 3rd month of the crop stage to avoid the pest and disease incidences.
General after Care
Maintain the field free from weeds. Remove all side suckers during cropping period.If any infestation of sucking pests like aphids, thrips and leaf eating caterpillars are observed after planting. Neem oil spray @ 2 ml/ltr. is required.
Earthing up may be done 90 to 110 days after planting after the application of neem cake and FYM. About a week after fruit bunch formation is complete, the terminal male flowers with the bracts (bud) may be cut off. The last leaf may be bent to cover the peduncle bearing the bunch against sun scorch.
Provide support by using Casuarina / Eucalyptus poles if required to prevent lodging due to heavy bearing and strong winds.