Rabi Weather Insurance
Weather Insurance (Rabi) is a mechanism for providing effective risk management aid to those individuals and institutions likely to be impacted by adverse weather incidences.The most important benefits of Weather Index Insurance are:
1. Trigger events like adverse weather events can be independently verified and measured.
2. It allows for speedy settlement of indemnities, as early as a fortnight after the indemnity
3. All growers, be it Small /Marginal; Owners or tenants/Sharecroppers can buy this Weather
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) shall compensate the insured, against the likelihood of diminished crop output/ yield resulting from: Maximum Temperature (° C) above the trigger level and / or Deviation in Temperature Range from the normal above the trigger value and / or Minimum Temperature (° C) below the trigger level and / or Minimum Temperature below 4 ° C resulting frost and / or Rainfall in excess of the trigger levels (calculated on daily/ weekly/ monthly basis) and / or Bright Sunshine Hour below the trigger level
Period of Insurance:
The insurance operates during the months of December to April. However the period is different for different parameters and crops.