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Bio control:: Mass production::Parasitoids
 Mass production of Brachymeria spp.             


Brachymeria are important parasitoids of coconut black headed caterpillar, Opisina arenosella.  Out of the six important species of Brachymeria, B. nosatoiB.nephantidis B. lasusB. excarinataB. hime attevae and B. euploeae recorded onO.arenosella recorded on O. arensella, B. nosatoi is the dominant species followed by B. nephantidisB. nephantidis is widely distributed, but it is more effective in southern districts of Kerala where the parasitism reaches 25 per cent.  B. excarinata is a dominant species in Mahua; Gujarat.  Significant parasitism by B. hime attevae has been observed in Salem, Tamil Nadu. B. nosatoi is a solitary endoparasitoid, posses the essential attributes and great potential in suppression of O. arenosella.  It adheres to rigid selection of masses and elaborate courtship, provides higher percentage of parasitism, breeds well in summer months and prolonged drought conditions and disperse uniformly in pest-infested coconut gardens.  The pupae parasitized byBrachymeria show one or more black dots, which are the characteristic  oviposition punctures made by the females.

Production procedure

  • About 50 adults of B. nosatoi comprising both sexes are released in a clean, dry cylindrical jar of 17.5x6.75 cm. A 12 cm long and 6.25 cm wide cardboard piece is inserted to facilitate the parasitoids to move and rest. 
  • The mouth of the jar is secured with a piece of muslin cloth tightened with rubber bands.  The jar is kept horizontally. 
  • The parasitoids are transferred to fresh clean jar every 4 to 5 days. 
  • For adult parasitoids, undiluted honey is provided daily in minute droplets on wax coated paper.
  • The jar containing parasitoid is kept in diffused sunlight for 10-15 minutes daily for about 3-4 days after which only the host pupae are to be offered for parasitization. 
  • Exposure to sunlight stimulates mating.
  • Pupae of O. arenosella reared in the laboratory are carefully removed with cocoons and silken galleries intact or leaf-bits containing pupae within cocoons and silken galleries and placed on a piece of card board, 12 x 6 cm in such a way that they are accessible to the parasitoid from all the three sides. 
  • The card board piece containing several pupae is inserted into the horizontally placed glass jar containing the mated parasitoids for parasitization.
  • The parasitoids partially disorganize the pupal tissues standing on the galleries with their ovipositors by repeated thrusts and oviposit in the pupae. 
  • The pupae without cocoons and silken galleries are placed on the card board and covered with silken galleries as the parasitoid will not parasitize naked pupae. 
  • Depending on the activity of female parasitoids, the host pupae can be exposed for a period of 4-6 hours for parasitization. 
  • To avoid super parasitism the parasitized host pupae are to be removed immediately after oviposition by the parasitoids (holes chewed in the cocoons indicate oviposition). 
  • The card board piece containing parasitized pupae is transferred to a similar glass jar or the parasitized pupae alone to a conical flask and kept for emergence of the parasitoid.
  • Normally the emergence of parasitoid commences 12 days after oviposition and continues up to 20 days in the laboratory at temperature and RH ranging between   22-30oC and 45-80% respectively.  The parasitoids are aspirated into field release container.

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