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Crop Protection :: Peach

Peach leaf curl aphid, Brachycaudus helichrysi

Symptoms of damage
  • Nymph and adults suck the sap from leaves and petioles
  • Affected leaves become curled and fall
  • Blossoms and young fruits drop pre maturely
  • Affected fruit setting

Identification of pest
  • Aphids are dark green to chocolate brown coloured

Green peach aphid, Myzus persicae

Symptoms of damage
  • Nymph and adults suck the sap from leaves , new shoots, fruits and flower buds
  • Infested leaves become pitted and curled
  • Young fruits are shriveled and drop pre maturely
  • Fruit setting affected in severe infestation
  • Its transmits plum pox virus
Plum pox virus

Identification of pest
  • Adults are pale yellowish green or pink with three dark lines on the back of a abdomen
Nymphs Adults

  • Remove and destroy the damaged plant parts along with nymphs and adults
  • Encourage parasitoid, Aphelinus mali and predators, Coccinella septumpunctata and Bacillus eucharis
  • Spray dimethoate 0.03% or methyl demeton 0.025%

Peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella

Symptoms of damage
  • Caterpillar damages twigs of peach, plum and apricot
  • Eggs are laid on shoots, twigs and fruits
  • After egg hatching the larvae bores into pith of twigs and fruits
  • Fruit damage is more serious
Damaged fruit

Identification of pest
  • Larva – matured larvae reddish brown in colour and has a black colour head
  • Adult – brown in colour and black colour line present on the both forewings and hind wings
Larva Adult

Peach borer, Sphenoptera lafertei

Symptoms of damage
  • Beetle feed on leaves
  • Young grubs bore into and feed inside bark and make irregular galleries
  • Gum globules appear at the points of entrance on bark

  • Collect and destroy the damaged shoots and branches
  • Swab trunk with carbaryl 50 WP at 0.2%
  • Spray malathion 0.1% .
  • Field release of some natural enemies like gray field antFormica aerata, chalcid wasps, Copidosoma (=Paralitomastix) varicornis and Hyperteles lividus,
  • Spray application of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products have been effective if applied when larvae are first noticed and before they tunnel into twigs, buds or fruit.
  • Spray application of following insecticides
Timing Product
pink (peach) Azinphos-methyl (Guthion or Sniper 50WP)
or phosmet (Imidan 50%WP)
(peach and apricot)
Thiodan, Guthion, Sniper, Imidan
peach only
or deltamethrin (Decis 5 EC)
Thiodan,Guthion, Sniper or Imidan
(apricot and peach)
Thiodan,Guthion, Sniper, or Imidan

San jose scale, Qudraspidiotus perniciosus

Symptoms of damage
  • San Jose scales cause injury by feeding on twigs, branches, and fruit; they may also inject salivary toxins while feeding.
  • Heavy populations on the bark can cause gumming and kill twigs, branches, and entire trees if left uncontrolled.
  • A characteristic, red halolike discolorationoften forms around the insect on small twigs or infested fruit.
  • Fruit with haloes will be culled because of its unsightly appearance.
Scales on fruits Pink colour discolouration on stem

Identification of pest
  • Female scale is yellowish orange, round, slightly convex and raised a little at the centre with a black pustule
  • Males are small and more linear shape

  • Select nursery stock free from scale infestation
  • Fumigate nursery stocks with HCN gas or methyl bromide
  • Spray application of systemic insecticides like phosalone 0.05%, fenitrothion 0.05% and methyl demeton 0.025%
  • Field release of coccinellid predators likeChilocorus nigritus and parasitoid Encarsia perniosi
Chilocorus nigritus  Encarsia perniosi


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