Integrated pest management of apple
Integration of various control strategies in planned way may help in minimizing the pest infestation
- Pruning all attacked shoots and branches during winter reduces the infestation of stem borer
- Collection of egg clusters of tent caterpillars during pruning and their destruction is suggested
- Soil application of chlorpyriphos dust at 25 kg/ha is effective against root borer and chafer beetle attack
- Injection of carbon di sulphide or petrol and sealing the holes with mud takes care of stem borer
- Foliar sprays with dimethoate or monocrotophos or phospphomidon (0.03%)
at fortnightly interval is effective against foliar pests
- Release bio agent like Aphelinus mali has been found effective in controlling the population of wooly aphids
- Release of Prospaltella perniciosi a parasite has given promising result in controlling the San Jose scale