Crop protection :: IPM :: Chickpea
Monitoring for Pest and Disease
Undertake community level monitoring to know change in distribution and abundance of pest.
Organise regular pest monitoring and assess bio control potential at every 10 days interval.
Record pest incidence at every 5 to 10 km distance at 12 spots/ha and 5 plants/spot selected randomly.
Use pheromone traps for monitoring gram pod borer. Install pheromone traps at a distance of 50 m @ 5 traps/ha for each insect pest.
Use specific lure for each pest species and change the lure after every 15-20 days. Trapped moths should be removed daily.
Pre-sowing stage
Deep ploughing in summer.
Apply well decomposed FYM or neem cake
Synchronised sowing single recommended variety in village/area
Solar treatment to the soil using transparent polythene mulching for at least for 15 days.
Removal of crop stubbles
Inter cropping with coriander/mustard/wheat/sorghum (Rabi)
Early planting mid October to escape the peak activity of H. armigera
Marigold plantation should be adopted as trap crop/antagonistic crop for nematode.
Use tolerant/resistant varieties
Sowing date
Use Rhizobium culture @ 1 pkt +(200g), 190 kg seed for effective modulation
Thinning should be done in case of dense plant population
Seed treatment with Trichoderma @ 4 gm/kg of seed.
Seed treatment with Carbendazim 25% DS@ 0.75 gm.)/ kg. of seed.
Seed treatment with Carbosulfan 25 EC @ 3%.
Follow recommended agronomic practices for land preparation seed ratio proper and balanced fertilizer crop stand.
Vegetative stage
Inter culture and band weeding for keeping the crop weed free for 6 to 8 weeks.
Detopping to reduce pest occurrence
Regular monitoring of gram pod borer in south zone during entire crop season.
Conservation of predatory wisp, spiders, insect parasitoids etc.
Flowering stage
NPV 250 LE or B.t. var Kurstaki 1 kg/ha NSKE 5% or neem pesticides.
Conservation of predators like spiders, chrysopa and other natural enemies by avoiding indiscriminate use of pesticides.
Installing of bird perches for predatory birds.
Fruiting stage
NPV 250 LE or B.t. var Kurstaki 1 kg/ha NSKE 5% or neem pesticides.
Conservation of predators like spiders, chrysopa and other natural enemies by avoiding indiscriminate use of pesticides.
Installing of bird perches for predatory birds.