Crop protection :: IPM :: Mustard
Monitoring for Pest & Disease
Undertake rapid roving surveys to detect and monitor pest and disease build up.
Take visual observations at 5-10 km distance, and 12 spots/ha on both sides of the survey route.
Observe at each spot, 5 plants to record pests/disease.
Set up yellow sticky trap to monitor aphid population.
Pre-sowing stage
Deep ploughing to expose the soil borne pathogens and hibernating stage of defoliators.
Destruction of plant debris.
Early sowing to avoid damage due to mustard-aphid, and major diseases.
For club rot management, soil amendment with lime (@ 1 kg/m2) to raise soil PH to 7.2 or apply Neem cake @ 0.5 kg/m2.
Sowing stage
Irrigate the crop in IV week after sowing to reduce painted bug incidence.
Spray the crop with 1000 ml Malathion 50 EC or 625 ml or Quinalphos 25 EC in 150 -200 litres of water per ha.
Methyl parathion 2% @25 kg/ha for painted bug and mustard saw fly.
Collection and destruction of gregarious stage larvae twice a week.
Apply Carbendazim @ 0.1% a.i. or Apron 35 SD @ 6 g/kg seed against alternaria, white rust and other seedling diseases.
Vegetative stage
Spray the crop with 500 mJ Malathion 50 EC or Quinalphos 25 EC in 150- 200 litre of water per ha against sawfly.
Collection and destruction of the gregarious stage larvae.
Methyl parathion 5% dust @25 kg/ha
Spray with Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP 25gm/ha at situation of disease.
Spray the crop Mancozeb 75% W.P. 1500- 2000 gm/ha at appearance of disease.
Flowering stage
Destroy aphid infesting twigs at the initial stage of appearance.
Spray the crop with one of the following insecticide: Oxydemeton methyl, Dimethoate, Quninalphos, Malathion @ 625 - 1000 mi per ha
Collection and destruction of gregarious phase larvae.
Fruiting stage