Crop protection :: IPM :: Red gram
Monitoring for Pest & Disease
Under take survey at every 10 km distance initially at weekly intervals and there after at 10 days intervals.
Record incidence of pod borer on all host crops of the locality.
Field scouting for pests and bio control fauna by extension agencies and farmers once in 7 days should be undertaken to workout ETL.
Two hours light exposure up to 8-8.30 p.m. for pest monitoring through light trap should be undertaken in the field if possible.
Install pheromone traps at a distance of 50 m @ 5 traps/ha.
Use helicoverpa lure and change it after every 20 days. Trapped should be removed daily.
Pre-sowing stage
Apply FYM or neem cake.
Synchronise sowing with a single variety in a village/area
Inter crop with sorghum for reducing Helicoverpa, wilt and nematode incidence.
Early planting (mid-June) in NWPZ for avoiding peak infestation period of H. armigera on short duration pigeonpea.
Resistant/tolerant varieties.
Cultivating early maturing varieties.
Planting of castor or tall sorgham/maizc varieties on borders for conserving natural enemies. These plants also function as live perches for predatory birds.
Plant short stature crop like cowpea, mungbean, urdbean, fodder soybean etc. in 1 m wide band after 8-10 rows of pigeanpea.
Sowing stage
During visual observation, if wilt and blight incidence is above 20%, the field may be considered as sick and growing pigeon pea should be discouraged there.
Growing trap crop like marigold on the borders and in between rows as inter crop Their flowers shall attract oviposition which can then be plucked and disposed.
Ridge Planting + cover crops like soybean or cowpea.
Treatment of the seed with Trichoderma viride @ 4 grams/kg seed.
Seed treatment with carbendazim + thiram* ( I gm + 2 gm/kg seed, or carbendazim (2 gm/kg seed) or thirarn (3 gm/kg seed).
Seed treatment with metalaxy1 for phytopthora blight.
Soil treatment with carbofuran granule @ 8 kg a.i./ha at planting or seed treatment.
Vegetative stage
Inter-culture and hand weeding for keeping the crop, weed free for 6-8 weeks.
Hand picking, jarring on cloth or in bags is effective in a limited way in small areas.
Conservation of predatory spiders and wasps etc.
Installation of bird perches for the predatory birds.
Flowering stage
Removal and destruction of sterility mosaic affected plants.
Hand picking and jarring on cloth or in bags is effective in a limited way in small areas.
Conservation of predatory spiders and wasps etc.
Installation of bird perches for the predatory birds.
Application of NPV @ 250 LE per ha. on noticing eggs and 1st instars larvae (2-3 eggs or 1 larva per twigs).
B.t Spray@ O.O7-1.0 kg/ha
Spray of NSKE 5% at pre-flowering stage 3 times at 15 days interval.
Spraying of 0.07% endsulfan (2m1 of35 EC/lit of water) or chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 3.5 ml./1it. of water at 600-1000 lit of spray material per ha. with hand sprayer or 200-300 lit./ha with power sprayer.
Fruiting stage
HANPV @ 250 LE per ha. on noticing eggs and 1st instars larvae (2-3 eggs or 1 larvae/5 twigs)
Spraying the crop with chlorpyriphos 20 EC 3.5 ml/1it. of water or only one time fenvelrate 75 gm a. i./ha. in 600 to 1000 of spray liquid per ha.