Crop protection ::Pesticides :: Safe use of pesticides
Before spraying
Ascertain that all components are clean, especially filling and suction strainer, sprayer tank, cut off device and nozzle.
Replace worn out parts such as ‘O’ ring, seal, gasket, worn out nozzle tip, hose clamps and valves.
Test the sprayer and ascertain whether it pumps the required output at rated pressure. Check the nozzle spray pattern and discharge rate.
Make sure that appropriate protective clothing is available and is used.
Train all concerned with the application and also understand the recommendations. Ensure that soap, towel and plenty of water is available.
During spraying
Take only sufficient pesticide for the day’s application from the store to the site.
DO NOT transfer pesticides from original container and packing into the containers.
Recheck the use instructions of pesticide and equipment.
Make sure pesticides are mixed in the correct quantities.
Wear appropriate clothing.
Avoid contamination of the skin especially eyes and mouth.
Liquid formulation should be poured carefully to avoid splashing.
Do not spray in high wind, high temperature and rain.
Avoid drift by selecting proper direction of spraying and also holding nozzle and boom at a proper height.
Start spraying near the down wind edge of the field and proceed upwind so that operator moves into unsprayed area.
After spraying