  State : Maharashtra
  Year of release    : 1979
  Centre  : Regional Cashew nut Research station, Vengurla  
  Hybrid/selection : Selection
  Parentage    WBDC-VI (V.37/3)
  Canopy type : Compact
  Branching habit  : Intensive
  Flowering     : October- December
  Fruiting    : January - April
  Special character :

Small nut and high yielder, short flowering and Fruit phase

  Apple colour      : Red
  Juice % : 45
  Nut weight  : 4.3g
  No. of nuts/kg : 230
  Kernel weight      : 1 g
  Shelling % : 32
  Export grade  : W320
  Mean nut yield/tree   : 24 kg
  Source of planting material  : Regional Fruit Research station, Vengurla
Department of Horiculture, KKV., Dapoli
Government approved nurseries