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TSchemes & Services :: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)

Frequently Asked Questions in Krishi Vigyan Kendras

Animal husbandry

  1. What is Mastitis?
    Inflammation of udder & teat (mammary gland) with discolouration & presence of clots or flakes in the milk.

  2. The treatment measure for Mastitis
    Animal Isolation, Intra mammary udder infusion for 3 consequitive days, Maintaining the animal in  hygienic condition.

  3. Foot and Mouth Disease ( FMD )
    Severe fever, dull in appearance, taking off feed, sudden drop in milk yield, blisters and vesicles development in mouth, tongue, foot, udder and teats

  4. Treatment for FMD
    Animal Isolation, washing mouth with  Potassium Permanganate solution,  Applying the mixture of boric acid and glycerine in the mouth.
    Calf should not be allowed to cow’s milk
    To be boiled before human consumption.
    Vaccination every 6 months once

  5. Important viral disease of Dairy cow.        
    Foot and Mouth Disease
    Cow pox

  6. Important viral disease of poultry
    Marek’s disease
    Infectious bursal disease
    Infectious Bronchitis
    Avian Influenza disease

  7. Ectoparasite
    Presence of  ectopararites like tick, lice, fleas, flies feeding over the body.

  8. Prevention control measure for Ectoparasite
    Hygenic management of animals and its shed
    Spray with Butox @ 5 ml /lit of water

  9. Improved breeds of Desi bird

    1. For meat purpose

    2. For Egg laying
      Krishna J
      CARI Gold

  10. Giriraja
    Improved variety of Desi bird in term of body weight  & egg production (three times)

  11. Best turkey variety suited for Tamil Nadu
    Broad breasted Bronze and White, Beltsvillie small white   

  12. Exotic breeds for Piggery
    Large White Yarkshire, Medium white Yarkshire, Hampshire and  Landrace.

  13. Best breed for Goat rearing
    Tellicherry  &  Jamunapari.

  14. Keeping period for milk in room temperature after let down
    5-7 hours.

  15. Clean milk production
    Washing and cleaning with  KMnO4  solution
    Hand wash before milking
    Hygenic maintenance of animal & its Shed

  16. Balanced feed
    The feed which provides all the essential nutrients in such proportion on 24 hour basis  ( Energy, Protien, Vitamins and Minerals)

  17. Balanced Ration for Dairy cow  (400 Kg)
    For eg.  Green  Roughages     Dry Roughages    Concentrate
    20-25 Kg.                       5 Kgs.                4-5 Kg.

  18. What is concentrate feed?
    A concentrate is a feed or feed mixture which supplies primary nutrients ( protein, carbohydrate and fat ) at higher level and 18%   crude fiber with low moisture.

  19. Essential input for improving the milk  yield.
    Supplementation of     Mineral Mixture 30 gm /day

  20. What is probiotic ?
    Live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by         improving its intestinal microbias balance & that the host animal responds with            a better performance

  21. What is broiler?
    Broiler is a meat type of young chicken of  six weeks of  age, of  either sex,  that has a flexible breast bone cartilage, soft, pliable skin and tender meat with average body weight of  2 to 2.2 kg.

  22. What are the environmental conditions for rearing broilers?
    Temperature                - 22-30o C    or   75-85o F
    Relative humidity                   - 50 – 60%
    Ammonia                               - Less than 25 PPM
    Litter moisture                        - 10 – 20 %

  23. What is Bloat?
    Overdistension of the ruman with gases which may be either frothy or free gas.
    Treatment:  150 to 200g Sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 1 litre water given orally to the animal.

  24. What is Gout?
    Gout is a accumulation of uric acid in the blood as a result of disturbance in the protein metabolism and inadequate excretion of the salt.

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