Frequently Asked Questions in Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Plant protection
Name of insecticides banned
BHC 10%, DDT & Phosphomidan
The type of insects/pest
Borer, leaf feeder, sucking pest and non insect pest
What is Bt plant
Bt genus extracted from soil inoculated into the plant system by genetic engineering for resistance towards Lepidoptera insects.
How the honey is produced
Alimentary canal of worker bee is responsible to convert nector into honey with the help of saliva
What is pesticide
A chemical which kills the pests by its chemical reaction
What is insecticide?
Those chemicals which kill insects
The antidote available for those who suffer due to insecticide consumption
Activated charcoal 2 parts + Megnesium oxide 1 part + Tanic acid 1 part + ½ glass water mixing well to drink.
What is systemic insecticide
Insecticide which acts inside the plant system to kill insects.
control of white grub in maize
Soil application of neem cake @ 25Kg/ha or phorate 10 G @ 20 kg/ha at the time of sowing
Any hybrid variety available in Mulberry
Yes, V-1 hybrid
Where is the cocoon market available?
Apiculture – the species suitable for Perambalur district
Apis cerena indica
Plant suitable for bee keeping
Sunflower, citrus , Guava, cotton, maize, neem, tamarind, Mango, Solanaceous and Malvaceaous family plants
Enemies of honey bee
Greater wax moth, Wasp, ants, lizard, frog etc.
What is nematode?
Microscopic organism existing in soil affects the plants roots mainly identified through symptoms like galls.
Nematicide available in the market
Psudomonas, Neemcake, Nemagan, carbofuran, phorate
What is entamopathogenic fungai?
Fungai which carries the disease to the insect to kill.
The names of entamopathogenic fungai available in market
Baveria basiana, Entamopithora, cephalosporium, verticilium
What is NPV
Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viruses.
The Host name of NPV
Pests of Lepidorptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera & diptera
The recommended dose of NPV
A doze of 250 to 500 LE per ha
What is insect predator?
The Insect which kills other insect.
What is parasitoid?
The Organism which infest other organisms and fatal to the host.
What is egg parasitoid ?
The parasitoid kills the pest at the egg stage.
What is pheromone trap ?
A system having synthetic pheromone to affect the male insect to trap.
Name of blast resistant varieties in Paddy
ADT-36, 38,39 and 42.
Which seed treatment is effective ?
Treating with biofertilizer and pseudomonas.
Can bioagent mixed up with fungicide & why?
No. because fungicide inhibits the growth of bioagent
Stem borer resistant variety in paddy
TKM-6, and ADT-14
The factors that influence pest attack?
Climate, Cropping pattern, Plant health, high dose of “N” & indiscriminate use of pesticides.
What is IPM way of pest control means?
It is an integration of cultural, chemical, biological methods for the better control of pests.
Where to purchase parasitoid egg?
Bio control lab of Director of Agriculture, PDBC Bangalore, TNAU., CIPMC, TRICHY
How long the pesticide residue lies in the produce
Generally 30-40 days, it varies as for chemical
Can we mix different chemicals for spray?
Does BT Cotton cause any harm to the soil.?
No, it does not cause.
Why should plant for non Bt plant as border crop in Bt Cotton
Bt Cotton is resistant for certain period ( 110 days functioning ) only, beyond that the bollworm attacks can be avoided through non Bt plant ( Barrier crop).
What is the right chemical to spraying for controlling tikka leaf spot?
Spraying chlorothalonil 2ml/l at the time of 45DAS and 60 DAS by hand operated knapsack sprayer.
Is baiting method checks the spodoptera litvra population effectively?
Spodoptera litura is a nocturnal in habit .Quinalphos / Methonmyl + rice bran + jaggery bait preparation certainly reduces the population. Tobacco cut worms was attracted by the bait due to the sweetness and smell of jaggery.
Can you recommend suitable remedies for mealy bug infestation in sunflower as it emerges new pest in sunflower?
Dichlorvas 76EC (DDVP) 2ml/l or NSKE 5 % or Neem oil 2% spray.
Release predator cryptolaemus montruezeuri to infested field.
How far imidachloprid seed treatment prevents sucking pest damage in sunflower?
Seed treatment of imidachloprid prevents sucking pest damage upto 30-45 days due to its systemic in nature.
Is there pest intensity variation in sunflower hybrid and variety?
Pest intensity is more in sunflower hybrid because of huge quantity of fertilizers application and profuse growth compared to variety.
What is the control measure for Coconut Black Headed Caterpillar (BHC)?
The incidence of the pest is noticed from November to May and from August to November after rainfall. Heavy incidence is seen during summer months
Larval parasitoid – Goniozus nephantidis (Bethylidae)
Larval parasitoid – Bracon hebetor (Braconidae)
Each @ 10 parasitoids /tree. The parasitoids should be released under the coconut trees when the pest is in the 2 nd or 3 rd instar stage periodically from January. Minimum two releases are required at 20 days interval.
- Spray Malathion 50 ec 2 0.05 % TO COVER THE UNDERSURFACE OF THE LEAVES.
- Root feeding – Monocrotophos 36 WSC 10 ml + water 10 ml / tree. Tender coconut and matured coconuts are harvested 45 days after root feeding.
Panama wilt in banana
In Monthan banana, at the time of flowering, leaves turn yellow and hang around the pseudostem.
How to control this problem?
In Rasthali variety, pseudostem splitting is noticed. What is the cause of this problem?
What are the symptoms of Panama wilt in banana?
How to control Panama wilt?
Is it possible to control the disease by foliar sprays?
Do we get Panama wilt in all the banana varieties?
The fusarium wilt is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp..cubense and is popularly known as panama wilt. Susceptible cultivars : Rasthali, Ney Poovan, Karpuravalli, Monthan, Sakkai, Virupakshi, Sirumalai and Pachanadan.
Symptoms: symptoms can be seen both internally and externally. The external symptoms appear five to six months after planting. Symptoms commence with yellowing of older leaves and progress to the youngest leaves. The affected leaves collapse gradually at the petiole and hang down around the pseudostem. In advanced stages pseudostem splitting occurs coinciding with the collapse of the crown. The internal symptoms are characterized by the presence of reddish brown discolouration of xylem vessels of roots, rhizome and pseudostem.
Grow paddy once or twice followed by banana.
Restrict the movement of infested suckers from diseased area to healthy area.
Provide good drainage facilities wherever water stagnation occurs.
Select the suckers from healthy mother plant and dip the suckers after removing all the infested tissues with 0.2 % carbendazim for 30 minutes before planting.
Inject the corm with 3 ml of 2.0 % carbendazim or at 5th, 7th and 9th month after planting.
Incorporate the soil with bioagents like Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescence @ 15 grams per plant for 3 times at 2 months interval.
It is not possible to control the disease through foliar sprays
44. Turmeric Rhizome rot
What are the symptoms of turmeric rot disease? What is the mode of spread of turmeric rhizome rot disease? How is it possible to control rhizome rot in turmeric? Is it possible to control the disease through foliar spray of chemicals?
Rhizome rot is the major devastating disease in turmeric with a yield reduction of 40-60%. The disease caused by a fungus Pythium sp. It spreads through affected rhizomes and infested soil. In soils with poor drainage the damage is very high.
Rhizome rot is the major devastating disease in turmeric with a yield reduction of 40-60%. The disease caused by a fungus Pythium sp. It spreads through affected rhizomes and infested soil. In soils with poor drainage the damage is very high.
It is necessary to select disease free rhizomes and soils with good drainage system. It is advisable to go for crop rotation with paddy or pulses.
Seed rhizomes should be treated with 0.25% copper oxy chloride (25 g/10lit) for 15 min. This should be done before sowing as well as before storage.
Soil application of Trichoderma viride (2 kg/ac) one month and three months after planting.
Field inspection should be made during rainy season to provide drainage as well as to pull out and destroy the affected plants.
Drenching the rhizomes in the affected area with 0.25% copper oxy chloride (25g/10lit).
Foliar spray of plant protection chemicals has no control of this disease.
45. Turmeric rhizome treatment
What are the insect pests and disease spread through turmeric rhizome?How to do the rhizome treatment in turmeric?
Rhizome rot disease and scale Insects spread through turmeric seed rhizomes.
- Selection of healthy Rhizome Seed rhizome.
- Rhizomes should be treated with copper oxy chloride at 3gm/lit of water in for 30 min to control rhizome rot disease and with phasalone 35 EC at 1.5ml /lit of water for 15 minutes to control scale Insect once before planting and again before storage of seed rhizomes.
l46. Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Management
Which is the major pest of brinjal?
How to identify the pest attack?
How to manage the shoot and fruit borer?
Shoot and fruit borer is one of the serious pests in brinjal.
Larvae bore in to the terminal shoots in young plants, causing withering of terminal shoots. Heavy infestation leads to drying of leaves due to boring of petioles, shedding of flower buds and boring of larvae on fruits. Fruits are found with bore holes, plucked with larval excreta. Larvae are pink in colour. Adults are medium size marked with black and brown patches on forewing
1. Affected shoots and fruits should be collected and destroyed.
2. Spraying of carbaryl 50 WP Caps 2 gm/lit. Quinalphos 25 EC 2ml/lit, starting from one month after planting at 15 days
47. Panama wilt of banana
Removal of pest attacked plants from the field
48. Red rot in sugarcane
Soil drenching with 0.1 % Carbendazim
49. Red palm weevil in coconut
Cutting and removal of grub, pupa and adult in the damaged plant and filling the hole with cement and sand.
50. Management of Leaf folder and stem borer incidence in paddy:
Paddy fields at Chittampatti,Mangulam and Vikkiramangalam are infested with leaf folder and stem borer.The per cent of infestation ranged from 9 -14 % in case of leaf folder and 6 – 15 % in case of stem borer.The farmers were advised to take up spraying of Chlorpyriphos @ 2 ml / l of water for leaf folder and Profenophos 2 ml / l of water for stem borer.