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Diseases :: Common Diseases


Symptoms occur because the unabsorbed lactose passes through the small intestine into the colon. In the colon, one type of normal bacterium contains lactase and is able to split the lactose and use the resulting glucose and galactose for its own purposes. Unfortunately, when they split the lactose into glucose and galactose, these bacteria also release hydrogen gas. Some of the gas is absorbed from the colon and into the body and is then expelled by the lungs in the breath. Most of the hydrogen, however, is used up in the colon by other types of bacteria. A small proportion of the hydrogen gas is expelled and is responsible for the increased flatus (passing gas). The un split lactose in the colon draws water into the colon (by osmosis). This leads to loose, diarrhoeal stools.

  1. Milk products are so common in prepared foods that it is likely that an elimination diet that is not rigorous (i.e., does not eliminate all milk) will still include substantial amounts of milk. Thus, persons with severe lactase deficiency attempting an elimination diet may be ingesting enough lactose to have symptoms and erroneously conclude that lactose intolerance is not responsible for the symptoms.
  1. People often make the assumption that they are lactose intolerant based on a short trial of elimination. A short trial may be adequate if symptoms are severe and occurring daily, but not if the symptoms are subtle and/or variable. In the latter case, an elimination diet may need to be continued for weeks.
  1. Because symptoms of lactose intolerance are subjective and variable, there always is the possibility of a "placebo effect" in which people think they feel better eliminating milk when, in fact, they are no better. With subjective symptoms such as those of lactose intolerance, a placebo effect can be expected to occur 20%-40% of the time




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