Seed Testing Charges
Seed Sampling |
Seed Testing |
The seed Samples received in the Seed Testing Laboratories are of three types
- Certification samples for certification purposes on payment of Rs.20/sample by the producers as testing chargesThis type of samples are drawn by the certification officers and sent to the seed testing lab through the Asst.Director of Seed Certification with a secret code No. On reciept of the results the code will be decoded by the ADSC and then the results are sent to the producer for ferther certification procedure to be completed.
- Official Samples for the Quality control Purpuses at government cost.This type of samples are drawn by the Seed Inpectors for the Quality Control as per the Seed Control Order and Seed Act to assure the availablity of Quality seeds to the farming community.
- Sevice Samples for the farmers,Producers and Sellers on payment of cost @Rs.30/sample to know the seed standard of their seeds. This type of samples are drawn and sent to the seed testing lab by the Farmers,Producers and the sellers to know their seed standards.
- The samples received from the three catagiries are analysed and results are communicated to the concerned within 30 days from the date of reciept of the samples at the seed testing lab
Address of Seed Testing Labs in Tamil Nadu.
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification, Subramaniampuram, Coimbatore-641013
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore – 641003.
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification,Alwar Nagar, Nagamalai Pundu Kottai, Madurai-625 019.
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification,Circuit House Backside Collectorate Compound, Dharampuri-636705,
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification,South Street, Manarpuram, Trichirapalli-620020.
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification,Kattithottam Mariamman, Kali Post, Thanjavaur-613001.
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Nirubar Colony, Palayam Kattai,Tirunelveli-627 002
- Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Certification,Panjepettai, Kancheepuram-613 502
For more details contact Following address
The Special Officer,
Seed centre,
TNAU, Coimbatore-641003.
Phone: 0422-6611232
Email: seedunit@tnau.ac.in
Source :http://seednet.gov.in/Material/SeedTestingLabs.htm