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Crop Production::Forage Crops::Fodder Cholam |
Yield Potential and Quality Characters
Note: Fodder Cholam can be intercropped with CO 5 and COFC 8 Cowpea at 1:1 ratio and harvested together to provide nutritious fodder. 1. PLOUGHING Plough with an iron plough once and with a country plough twice. 2. APPLICATION OF FYM a. Spread 12.5 t/ha of FYM or compost on the unploughed field, along with 10 packets of Azospirillum inoculant (2000 g)and 10 packets of Phosphobacteria (2000g) or 20 packets of Azophos (4000g) 3. FORMING RIDGES AND FURROWS Form ridges and furrows of 6 m long and 60 cm apart and plant on either side of the ridge 4. APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER
5. SOWING a. Seed rate : CO-27 -50 kg/ha and COFS 29 – 5 kg/ha 6. WATER MANAGEMENT Irrigate immediately after sowing. Life irrigation on the third day and thereafter once in 10 days, according to need based. 7. WEED MANAGEMENT First hand weeding on the 20th day of sowing and if necessary 2nd hand weeding between 35 - 40 days after sowing. 8. HARVESTING Harvest at 50% flowering for fodder 1. APPLICATION OF FYM Apply 12.5 t/ha and incorporated in the soil at the time of last ploughing. 2. SEED RATE 40kg/ha for CO 27 3. SOWING Sow the seeds well before the onset of monsoon 4. SPACING 30 x 15 cm 5. FERTILIZER 30 : 20: 20 kg N, P and K / ha for Alfisols (Red soil).
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