Household Paddy Parboiling Unit

1. Function : To parboil paddy uniformly.
2. Specification
(a) Overall dimension : 650 x 900
(D x H ) mm
(b) Capacity : 125 kg/batch
(c) Power required : 5 kg of firewood/batch
3. General Information
The parboiling drum is made of galvanized iron sheet of 20 gauge thickness with a lid. The drum is divided into three equal portions. The top two-third portion retains paddy for parboiling and bottom one-third portion holds water to produce steam for parboiling. A perforated slanting sheet with perforated pipes separates the steam chamber from parboiling chamber. The lateral perforated pipes attached to the main steam pipe divides the entire parboiling chamber into a number of small compartments and helps for uniform and simultaneous parboiling of paddy. Perforated sloping floor helps for natural unloading of parboiled paddy. The water in the drum can be heated by burning firewood or any agricultural waste. After the completion of parboiling, the remaining hot water can be used for next batch.
4. Cost of the unit (approx) : Rs.4,500/-
5. Cost of operation : Rs.7/h
6. Salient features
- Uniform parboiling and increased head rice recovery is possible.
- Times 45 minutes for parboiling the first batch of soaked paddy and 25 minutes for the subsequent batches.
- It can also be used as a storage bin, when not used for parboiling.