Vacuum Packaging of Banana

1. Function : To pack and store the banana to delay ripening
2. Specification
(a) Power required : 0.5 hp for the vacuum packaging machine
3. General Information
Banana ripes in three to five days after harvesting. Ripening during the long distance transport and export, results in huge post harvest losses. To delay ripening of fruits, vacuum packaging is one of the methods, where the matured banana hands are packaged and prevented from contact with air/ oxygen. Using a simple gadget for vacuum packaging, banana can be stored under vacuum. This delays ripening upto 21 days and further ripening is completed with in one week after opening the package.
4. Cost of the unit (Approx) : Rs. 1,50,000 (cost of the vacuum packaging machine)
5. Cost of operation : Rs. 15/h
6. Salient features
The vacuum packaged banana can be stored without ripening upto 21 days.
No residues of chemicals are found.
The quality is not affected.