Community Biogas Plant
Community type Biogas digester |
Community type Biogas utlization |
1. |
Function |
Cooking, lighting and running engines |
2. |
Specification |
(i) Gas volume |
35 m3 |
(ii) Gas holder height |
1.0 m |
(iii) Inlet/outlet opening |
2.0 x 1.2 m |
(iv) Initial dung required |
32 to 36 tonnes of cowdung |
(v) Daily loading rate |
800 to 900 kg |
(vi) No. of cattle required |
80 to 90 animals |
3. |
General Information |
The community level biogas plant will be constructed in a common place, the feed material will be collected from a group of households and the produced biogas will be distributed to all the beneficiaries. The size and cost of the plant may vary based on the availability of feed material, requirement of biogas and initial investment. |
4. |
Cost of the unit (approx) |
Rs. l,50,000/- |
5. |
Cost of operation |
Rs. l 00/day |
6. |
Salient features |
- Rate of biogas production :1.5 m3/h
- No. of hours 5 hp dual fuel engine can run: 14 h
- Electricity production potential : 40 kWh
- No. of beneficiaries for Cooking gas : 40 – 50
Contact us
Professor and Head,
Department of Bio-Energy,
TNAU, Coimbatore-641003.
Phone: 0422-6611276
Email: |