Agriculture Engineering
Farm Machinery :: Harvesting and Threshing Machineries

Groundnut Thresher





Separation of groundnut pods from harvested  plants






i. Type


Spike tooth , axial flow and oscillating  sieves


ii. Overall dimensions


2050 x 1650 x 1570 mm


iii. Weight 


430 kg


iv. Cylinder speed


225 rpm


v.  Blower speed


1500 rpm


General Information


 The thresher is an axial flow type and consists of feed hopper, spike-tooth cylinder, concave, oscillating sieves and blower.  The pegs are arranged in 10 rows on the cylinder.  The cylinder is enclosed with the concave made of wire mesh with sieve opening of 80 x 25 mm size.  Below this cylinder and concave assembly two oscillating sieves are fitted to separate the pods from leaves, soil and other dust materials.  The blower fitted in between the two sieves helps to blow out the leaves.  


Cost of the unit (approx)


Rs. 60,000/- without  prime mover


Salient features



Capacity                       :  150 kg pods/hour


Labour requirement      :  2 men & 2 women


Pod damage                 : 1 to 3 %


Cleaning efficiency        : 92 %


Threshing efficiency      : 98 %


Saving in cost               : 32%


Saving in time               : 70%

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