Tillage Implements
- Improved Iron Plough
- Low Draft Chisel Plough
- Para Plough
- Tractor Drawn Channel Former
- Tractor Drawn Trencher
- Tractor Drawn Bed Furrow Former
- Power Tiller Mounted Terracer cum Leveller
- Power Tiller Operated Slasher
- Tractor Operated Pit Digger for Sugar Cane
- Tractor Operated Rotary Spading Machine
Sowing Equipments
- Broadcaster
- Gorru
- Bullock Drawn Seed Planter
- Power Tiller Drawn Cup Feed Seeder
- Tractor Drawn Cultivator Seed Planter
- Tractor Drawn Ridger Seeder
- Basin Lister cum Seeder attachment to Cultivator
- Improved Broad Bed Former Cum Seeder
- Power Tiller Air Assisted Seed Drill
- Tractor Drawn Air Assisted Seed Drill
- Improved Direct Paddy Seeder
- Rice cum Daincha Seeder
- Rice Transplanter- Manual
- Tractor Drawn Seed cum Fertilizer Drill for Paddy
- Sugarane Sett Cutter
Weeding & Intercultural Implements
- TNAU Improved Dry Land Weeder
- Power Weeder
- Weeding cum Earthingup Equipment
- Tractor Operated Multi Row Rotary Weeder
- Cono Weeder
- Two Row Finger Type Paddy Rotary Weeder
- Battery Operated Portable Wetland Weeder
Plant Protection Equipments
- Battery operated Low Volume Sprayer
- Foot Wear Operated Sprayer
- Power Tiller Operated Boom Sprayer
- Sprayer for Coconut Tree
- Areca Sprayer
- Corcyra Egg Scale Separator
- Knapsack Sprayer
Harvesting and Threshing Machinery
- Self Propelled Vertical Conveyor Reaper
- Paddy Repear harvester
- Mini Combine Harvester for Paddy
- Power Tiller Operated Groundnut Harvester
- Tractor Drawn Groundnut Harvester
- Impact type Groundnut Stripper
- Groundnut Thresher
- Power Tiller Operated Turmeric harvester
- Tractor Drawn Turmeric Harvester
- Tapioca Harvester
- Fodder Sorghum Harvester
- Maize husk cum sheller
- Castor Sheller
- Coconut tree climber (Up, Down)
- Oilpalm Harvesting Tool
- Tractor operated Fruit Harvester
- Mulberry Stem Cutter
- Power Tiller Operated Lawn Mower
- Lawn/ Shrub Mowing attachment to Power Weeder
- Sugarcane Detrasher
Miscellaneous Farm Equipments
- Hand cum Pedal Operated Chaff Cutter
- Power Tiller Operated Axial Flow Pump
- Power Tiller Operated Heavy Duty Auger Digger
- Coir Pith Applicator
- Sub Soiler attachment for Stump Removal
- Banana Clump Removal
- Cotton Stalk Puller
Commercially Available Machineries/Equipments
- Tractor Drawn Disc Plough
- Tractor Mounted Disc Harrow
- Spring Tyne Cultivator
- Rigid Tyne Cultivator
- Tractor Drawn Ridger
- Post Hole Digger for Plantation
- Rotovator
- Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill
- Naveen Dibbler
- Manually Operated Fertilizer Broadcaster
- Self Propelled Power Weeder (CIAE, Bhopal)
- Wheel Hoe
- Hand Operated Sprayers/ Dusters
- Power Tiller Mounted Orchard Sprayer
- Hand Rotary Duster
- Foot Sprayer
- Improved Sickles of Different Designs
- Bhendi Plucker
- High Capacity Multicrop Thresher (CIAE, Bhopal)
- Power Operated Coconut Dehusker
- Manual Fruit Harvester
- Seed Treating Drum
Other Institute Equipments
Threshing/Shelling/Decorticating/Pulping Equipments
- Areacanut Dehusker
- Groundnut Decorticator (Power Operated)
- Groundnut Decorticator (Hand Operated)
- Sunflower Seed Sheller
- Cotton Seed Delinting Machine
- Sorghum Pearler
- Hand Operated Thresher for Black Pepper
- Mechanical Thresher for Black Pepper
- Paddy Winnower
- Maize Husker-cum-Sheller
Cleaning and Grading Equipments
- Grain Winnower
- Rotary Sieve Multi Crop Cleaner cum Grader
- Hand Operated Rotary Type Garbling Unit for Cardamom
- Peeler cum Washer for Production of White Pepper
- Pulper cum Washer for Coffee
- Seed Cleaner cum Grader
- Groundnut Grader
Drying Equipments
- Agricultural Waste Fired Mechanical Dryer
- Fluidised Bed Dryer for Mushroom
- Continuous Flow Heated Sand Medium Drier
Milling and Extraction Equipments
- Mini Dhal Mill
- Dhal Mill cum Wet Grinder
- Chilli Seed Extractor
- Tomato Seed Extractor
- Brinjal Seed Extractor
- Improved Four Roller Sugarcane Crusher
- Hand Operated Aonla Seed Remover
- Sugarcane Crusher
Agricultural Waste Utilization Technologies
- Compost Pelletizer
- Briquetting Machine
- Adhesive from Tamarind Kernel Powder (Tkp)
- Production of Particle Board From Coirpith
- Production of Paper Boards form Agricultural Waste Materials
Value Additions
- Household Paddy Parboiling Unit
- Cassava Chipper
- Turmeric Boiler
- Fish feed Pelletizer
- Vacuum Packaging of Banana
- Tehcnology of Production of Tomato Paste
- Technology for Extrusion Cooking of Finger Millets
- Packaging of Tomatoes in Corrugated Carton Boxes
- TNAU Insect Trap
- Pelletizer for Fish Meal
Solar Energy Gadgets
- Step Type Solar Dryer
- Forced Convection Solar Dryer
- Electronic Temperature Controller for Solar Dryer
- Solar Tunnel Dryer for Agro Industrial Applications
- Community Solar Cooker
- Community (Scheffler) Solar Cooker
- Solar Box Type Cooker
- Steam Cooking
- Solar Lantern
- Solar Water Pumps
- Solar PV Street Lights
- Solar PV Home Lights
- Solar Water Heating System
- Solar cum Biogas Insect Trap
- Solar Distillation Plant
Gasifiers Gadgets
- Rice Husk Gasifier
Bagasse Gasifier
TNAU Single Pot Improved Chulha
TNAU double Pot improved Chulha
TNAU Noon Meal Improved Chulha (Community Chulha)
Wood Based Down Draft Gasifier
- Janata Type Biogas Plant
- Deenabandhu Model Biogas Plant
- Community Biogas Plant at Central Farm
- Solid state Biogas Plant
- Plug Flow Biogas Plant
- 10 m3 High Rate Reactor for Cassava Starch Factory Effluents
- Pilot Plant for Biofuel Production
- Small Aero Generator (Mini-Wind Mills)
- Wind Mill Water Pump
Wind Mill
Micro Irrigation and Fertigation
Drip Irrigation System
Sprinkler Irrigation System
Irrigation Technologies for Rice Crop
Water Management Technology Options for Non-Rice Crops
Irrigation Technology Options for Various Non-Rice Crops
Tank irrigation
Plastic mulching for crop production
Precision Farming Technologies
On-Farm Irrigation Structures
- On-Farm Irrigation Structures
- Lining technology
- Farm pond and reservoir lining
Water Lifting and Well Development
- Salt Incrustation Prevention Device for Air-Lift Pumps
- Improved Foot valves
Watershed Development & Water Harvesting Systems
- Soil and Water Conservation Technology for Hill Slopes
- In-Situ Moisture Conservation Techniques
- Roof and Terrain Water Harvesting System
Drainage Technology
- Subsurface Pipe Drainage Technology
Rice Transplanters
Field Demonstrations