Agriculture Engineering
Government Schemes


Agricultural Engineeing Policy Notes 2013-14

Policy Notes 2012-13

Policy Notes 2011-12

Policy Notes 2010-11

Policy Notes 2009-10



Central Sector

1.Demonstrationof Agricultural Machinery and Implements
2.Training Programme to Farmers on operation and maintenance of Agricultural machinery

Central and State Sector

1.AgriculturalMechanization Programme
2.Command Area Development and Water Management Programme

State Sector

1.Rain Water Harvesting and Runoff Management Programme
2.Master plan -Artificial Recharge to Ground Water
3.Soil Conservation in Tribal areas under Integrated Tribal Development
4.Integrated Development of Pulses Villages in Rain fed Areas under National Agriculture Development Programme
5.Scheme to .Revive Agriculture In Fallow Land under NADP
6.Soil and Water Conservation under Hill Area Development Programme
7.Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project under NADP
8.Soil Conservation .in the catchments of River Valley Project under National Agricultural Development Programme
9.Soil and Water Conservation under Western Ghats Development Programme
10.Agricultural Mechanization under the National Agriculture Development Programme (NADP)
11.Formation.of farmers group including free package of machinery and training
12.Training Programme to rural youth on handling and maintenance of agricultural machinery and implements
13. Provision of Diesel Engine Pumpset with Rain gun / Portable Sprinkler Irrigation System for Critical Life Saving Supplemental Irrigation
14.Provision of Solar Powered Pumping system linked with appropriate Micro Irrigation system (Drip / Micro / Mini Sprinklers) under NADP in various places of Tamil Nadu
15.Provision.of Solar Chilli Drier under NADP in five major chilli growing districts
16.Provision of Onion Storage structures (Natural Air Ventilated type) on pilot basis under NADP in 12 major onion growing districts
17.World Bank aided Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water bodies Restoration and Management
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