Agriculture Engineering
Soil and Water Conservation Technologies :: Micro Irrigation & Fertigation


Irrigation Technologies for Rice Crop

Farmer's practice - Continuous submergence – excess application of water  
Technology options:
For nursery 2 cm depth of water is enough
In the main field, irrigation schedule of 5 cm submergence recorded higher production and save about 30 per cent of irrigation water

The component wise and total water requirement of Periyar – Vaigai command for different stages of water release are:
Transplanting commences at 25 DAWR (Days After Water Release) and proceeds upto 65 DAWR, thus spanning a period of 40 days. The initial 25 days are used for raising nursery.


The peak water demand for puddling (p) is 12.9 mm day-1 and occurs at 42 DAWR.

  • The water demand for irrigating area already transplanted increases in the form of a sigmoid curve and reaches a steady rate of about 10 mm day-1 at 70 DAWR.
  • The peak total water demand is 17 mm day-1 and occurs at 44 DAWR, roughly coinciding with the peak puddling water requirement.

Time lag in different reaches of command area for transplanting due to many socio-economic constraints are to be minimized locally by making access to tillage / puddling machinery and input distribution.

Kattuthalai for rice crop:

  • Placing a small bund inside the field boundary bund in rice fields saves 20–25 % water.
  • Using of tractor mounted cage well or sheep – foot roller can reduce the percolation losses by 25 %.
  • 15-30 % water can be saved by adopting improved water management technology for rice with farmers organization
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