Blackgram Processing
TNAU mini dhal mill
Mini dhal mill consists of a hopper, an auger to feed the pulse to the dehusking chamber. In the dehusking chamber pulses are sent in between a rotating cast iron disc and a stationary rubber pad and get dehusked. Depending upon the size of the pulse, the clearance between the rotating disc and the rubber disc can be adjusted with the help of a hand wheel provided outside the dehusking chamber. By replacing the rubber disc with cast iron serrated disc, this can be used for pulverizing the dry grains into flour.The milling capacity of the unit wasfound to be 20 kg/h.

TNAU improved dhal mill
The milling unit has a feed hopper, fitted witha sliding gate for uniform feedingof pre-treated pulses in to the milling section. The milling unit is of avertical attrition type, which has astationery rubber disc and rotatingcorrugated steel disk for the abrasive action on thematerials. The gap betweenthe rubber disk and steel disk canbe adjusted through a hand wheeldepending upon the size of pulses.The milling capacity of the unit wasfound to be 30 kg/h. The dehusked / milled pulses are exposed to the blower with the adjustable air flow rate, whichseparates the husk from the dhal.Then, the milled dhalis allowedto fall on the sieves for cleaning and separation. This machine is suitable highly suitable for red gram and green gram varieties.
