Bio fertilizer as per transplanted rice except Azolla.
Blanket recommendation : 50:25:25 kg N:P2O5:K2O /ha
Apply a basal dose of 750 kg of FYM enriched with fertilizer phosphorus @ 25 kg/ha.
Apply N and K in two equal splits at 20 - 25 and 40 - 45 days after germination (DAG).
If the moisture availability from the tillering phase is substantial, three splits (25 kg N and 12.5 kg K at
20-25, 40-45 and 60-65 DAG) can be adopted.
N at panicle initiation (PI) may be enhanced to 40 kg, if the tiller production is high (may be when the estimated LAI is greater than 5.0)
and moisture availability ensured by standing water for 10 days.
If the soil is Zn deficient, apply 25 kg ZnSO4/ha.
Basal application of FeSO4 at 50 kg/ha is desirable for iron deficient soil (or) apply TNAU
Rainfed rice MN mixture @12.5 kg/ha
as EFYM at 1:10 ratio incubated for 30 days at friable moisture.
Need based foliar application of 0.5% ZnSO4 and 1% FeSO4 + 0.1% citric acid may be taken up at tillering and PI stages..
Foliar spray of 1% urea + 2% DAP + 1% KCl at PI stage and 10 days later may be taken up for enhancing the rice yield
if sufficient soil moisture is ensured.