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Crop Production :: Cereals :: Rice :: Rainfed Rice


  • Seed rate: 75kg/ha dry seed for any recommended variety.

  • Seed hardening with 1% KCl for 16 hours and shade dried to bring to storable moisture. This will enable the crop to withstand early moisture stress.

  • On the day of sowing, treat the hardened seeds first with Pseudomonas fluorescens 10g/kg of seed and then with Azophos 2000g or Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria @ 600g each per ha seed, whichever is available.

  • Drill sow with 20 cm inter row spacing using seed drill the seeds can also be sown behind the country plough.

  • Depth of sowing should be 3 - 5 cm and the top soil can be made compact with leveling board.

  • Pre-monsoon sowing is advocated for uniform germination.

Updated on Jan 2023


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