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Crop Production :: Wheat
Crop Management - After Cultivation

Weed Management

  • Spray Isoproturon 800 g/ha as pre-emergence spraying 3 days after sowing followed by one hand weeding on 35th day after sowing.
  • If herbicide is not applied, give two hand weedings on 20th and 35th day after sowing.

Water Management

The crop requires 4 - 6 irrigations depending on the soil type and rainfall. Wheat crop requires minimum of 5 irrigations at the following critical stages.
            I – Immediately after sowing
            II – Crown root intiation : 15-20 DAS
            III- Active tillering stage : 35-40 DAS
            IV- Flowering stage        : 50-55 DAS
            V- Grain filling stage      : 70-75 DAS
            Crown root initiation and flowering are the most critical stages. Water stagnation should be voided at the time of germination.

Top Dressing

 Apply remaining half of N at crown root initiation stage (15-20 DAS).


Harvest the crop when the grains become hard and straw becomes dry and brittle. Trash and winnow the grains. Use mechanical threshers to reduce the cost of threshing and winnowing.

Crop Protection

Seed treatment: Treat the seed with any one of the following fungicides Carbendazim @ 2 g/kg of seed, Thiram @ 2 g/kg of seed or Carboxin @ 2 g/kg of seed.

Value Addition in Wheat

Wheat is used principally for human consumption. It is converted into flour for the production of bread and other bakery products. It is used as “chapatti” (unleavened pan baked bread) in India. Wheat belongs to the genus Triticum and there are over 30,000 species and varieties. The principal wheats of commerce are the common or bread wheat (T.aestivum); macaroni wheat (T.durum) and club wheat (T.compactum).

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