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Frequently Asked Questions :: Integrated Farming System

Integrated Farming system

What is integrated farming system?

At present, the farmers concentrate mainly on crop production which is subjected to a high degree of uncertainty in income and employment to the farmers. In this contest, it is imperative to evolve suitable strategy for augmenting the income of a farm. Integration of various agricultural enterprises viz., cropping, animal husbandry, fishery, forestry etc. have greatpotentialities in the agricultural economy is called integrated farming sytem.

I would like to know the enterprises which can be integrated in wetland ecosystem?

In wetland situation poultry, fish culture and mushroom cultivation can integrated with crop cultivation. Cropping can be undertaken in 0.36 ha and 0.04 ha for fish pond, the poultry shed should be placed above the pond. The poultry unit comprised of 20 bapkok chick and fisheries comprised of 300 polyculture fingerlings.

I would like to know the enterprises which can be integrated in Gardenland ecosystem?

Under gardenland situation, dairy and bio-gas can be integrated in 1.00 hectare area. The dairy unit comprised of 3 graded jersy cross breed milch animals with two calves. For effective recycling of farm and animal waste, a bio-gas unit of 2 cubic metre capacity can be installed.

I would like to know the enterprises which can be integrated in rainfed ecosystem?

Integration of grain crop cultivation with fodder production and silvipastoral trees involving trees like subabul, acacia sp., and thorn less prosophis interplanted with cenchrus grasses and rearing of 20 female and one male of Tellicherry goat results in additional income of Rs. 5970/ ha in rainfed farming.


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