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Frequently Asked Questions :: Weed Management

Weed management

What is the weed management technique for Parthenium ?

Manual removal and destruction of Parthenium plants before flowering using hand glouse /machineries (or)
Pre-emergence application of atrazine 4 g / litre in 500 litres of water / hectare Uniform spraying of sodium chloride 200g + 2 ml soap oil / litre of water (or)

Spraying of 2,4-D sodium salt 8 g or glyphosate 10 ml + 20g ammonium sulphate + 2 ml soap solution / litre of water before flowering (or)

Post-emergence application of metribuzin 3 g / litre of water under non crop situation.
Raising competitive plants like Cassia serecea and Abutilon indicum on fallow lands to replace Parthenium (or)

Biological control by Mexican beetle, fungal pathogen and nematodes (or)

Note : Parthenium can be decomposed well before flowering and used as organic manure.

What is the control measure for striga ?

Pre-emergence application of atrazine 1.0 kg/ha on 3rd DAP + hand weeding on 45 DAP with an earthing up on 60 DAP combined with post-emergence spraying of 2,4-D 6 g (0.6%) + urea 20 g (2%) / litre of water on 90 DAP + trash mulching 5 t/ha on 120 DAP

What is the control measure for orabanche?

Plant hole application of neem cake 25 g / plant or drenching of copper sulphate 5% provides partial control of Orabanche in tobacco.

What is the control measure for Solanum elaegnifolium (Kattu Kandan kathiri)?

Post-emergence application of Glyphosate 20 ml alone or 10 ml in combination with 2, 4-D sodium salt 6 g / litre.

What is the control measure for Cynodon dactylon (Arugu) & Cyperus rotundus (Koara)?

Management of perennial weeds like Cynodon dactylon & Cyperus rotundus by the application of Glyphosate 10 ml + AGF activator 2 ml / lit of water (or) Glyphosate 15 ml + 20 g Ammonium sulphate / lit of water.