Under aerobic rice conditions, provision of surface drip fertigation (with 0.8 m lateral spacing provided with drippers at 0.3 m distance) scheduled at 125 % Pan Evaporation value for clay soil / 150 % open Pan Evaporation value for sandy soil + STCR based NPK fertigation + biofertigation of Azophosmet @ 500 mL ha-1during panicle initiation and flag leaf stages is recommended.
Sub Surface drip biogation
Under aerobic rice conditions, provision of sub-surface drip fertigation (10 cm depth with 0.8 m lateral spacing provided with drippers at 0.3 m distance) scheduled at 125 % Pan Evaporation value for clay soil / 150 % open Pan Evaporation value for sandy soil + STCR based NPK fertigation + biofertigation of Azophosmet and seaweed extract each @ 500 mL ha-1 during panicle initiation and flag leaf stages is recommended.