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Resource Management :: Water :: Water Sampling

Water Sampling
I. Sampling from pump outlet

  1. Run the water for at least 30 minutes before collecting the sample.
  2. Collect about half litre of water sample in a clean polythene or glass bottle.
  3. Samples must be labelled on the side of the container and never solely on the container lid.
  4. Samples should be returned to the laboratory for processing immediately after collection.
  5. Collect sample directly from well by lowering a sterile container with a weight attached to the base.

II. Sampling from dug wells
 A.     Prepare the bottle

With a piece of string, attach a clean weight to the sampling bottle.

B. Attach the bottle to the String
            Take a clean string rolled around a stick and tie it to the bottle string. Open the bottle.

C. Lower the bottle
            Lower the bottle, weighed down by the weight, into the well, unwinding the string slowly. Do not allow the bottle to touch the sides of the well.


D. Fill the bottle
            Immerse the bottle completely in the water and lower it well below the surface without hitting the bottom or disturbing any sediment.

E. Raise the bottle
Sample data
Locality                             :
Sample site                       :
Place                                :
Source                              :
Date of sampling                :
Time of sampling               :
Sender                             :