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Season and Varieties :: Coconut

COCONUT (Cocos nucifera)

a.   Varieties

  1. East Coast Tall
  2. West Coast Tall
  3. VPM-3 (Selection from Andaman Ordinary Tall)
  4. ALR (CN -1) (Selection from Arasampatty Tall)
  5. COD (Dwarf for tender coconut purpose only)

b.  Hybrids
                Tall x Dwarf
                (To be grown under well managed conditions)

  1. VHC 2 - ECT X MYD
  2. VHC 3 -  ECT X MOD

(Besides, the hybrids of ECT x COD, WCT x COD and WCT x MYD  are also produced by the State Department of Agriculture. The dwarf x tall type (COD x WCT) which has to be grown under well-managed conditions with assured irrigation is also produced by State Department of Agriculture).

Particulars of new varieties and hybrids

Sl. No. Characters VHC 2 VPM 3 VHC 3 ALR (CN) 1
1. Year of release 1988 1994 2000 2002
2. Parentage T X D hybrid
Selection from Andaman Ordinary Tall T X D hybrid
Selection from Arasampatti Tall
3. Time taken for first flowering (months) 43 63 46 48
4. Shape of the nut Medium oblong nuts Big oblong nuts Medium to oblong big nuts Small to medium oblong nuts
5. Nut yield (nuts/palm/year) 142 92 156 126
6. Copra content (g/nut) 152 176 162 131
7. Copra yield (kg/palm/year) 21.5 16.2 25.2 16.5
8. Oil content (%) 70.2 70.0 70.0 66.5
9. Special features High yield and oil content High copra content Drought tolerant Suitable for rainfed and irrigated condition High nut & copra yield and oil content Drought tolerant. Suitable for rainfed and irrigated condition

Updated on : 17.06.2013


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