Resource Management :: Soil :: Need for Soil Testing

  1. To avoid indiscriminate use of fertilizer and to ensure environmental safety.
  2. When crops are harvested, a considerable amount of nutrients are removed from the soil system. Only a part of it is replaced in the form of manures from crop residues. This practice renders the soil infertile over a long period of time.
  3. Leaching, erosion, volatilization etc. removes some more nutrients from soil.
  4. Restoration of soil fertility is a key factor for crop productivity , profitability and sustainability.
  5. Manuring and fertilization is essential to maintain a healthy and productive soil.
  6. Fertilization programme must consider crop needs, soil supply, fertilizer use efficiency, contribution from manures etc.
  7. Time to time evaluation of the inherent soil fertility status is essential for arriving at crop and site specific balanced fertilization program to sustain productivity.