Water holding capacity  

The weight of the water held by a given quantity of absolute dry soil when saturated.


A watershed is a hydrological unit or a piece of land that drains at a common point. This natural unit is evolved through the interaction or rainwater with land mass and typically comprises of arable lands, non-arable lands and natural drainage lines in rainfed areas. A watershed may range from 4-5 hectares to thousands of square kilometers.

Watershed management

Regulation of the aggregate resources of a watershed for conserving water and controlling erosion and stream flow of floods is called watershed management. The objective of watershed management is to meet the problems of land and water use not in terms of anyone resource, but on the basis that all the resources are interdependent and therefore must be considered together. Watershed management calls for the following measures for integrated watershed planning- agronomic measures of soil conservation on agricultural lands; mechanical measures of soil conservation on agricultural lands; tree canopy improvements; pastureland management; gully control; soil- conservation dams; control of stream bank erosion; small dams for farm ponds and supplemental reservoirs for irrigation; irrigation works; small dams for interposing intermediate base levels of stream erosion; dams and other structures for the control of mountain torrents; works of artificial recharge of ground water; protection of wild life habitats; hydro- electric works; regulation of flood waters by dams and dyes.


An area of land that collects and discharges water into a single stream or other outlet. Also called a catchment or drainage basin.


A castrated male sheep.

Wind erosion

The detachment, transportation, and deposition of soil by the action of wind. The removal and redeposition may be in more or less uniform layers or as localized below out and dines.

Wind- vane

Device used to indicate the directions from which the wind is blowing.