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Crop Production :: Millets :: Maize :: Irrigated Maize
After Cultivation

Thinning and Gap Filling

  • If two seeds were sown, leave only one healthy and vigorous seedling per hole and remove the other on the 12-15 days after sowing.
  • Where seedlings have not germinated, dibble presoaked seeds at the rate of 2 seeds per hole and immediately irrigate.

Hoeing, Hand-Weeding and Earthing Up

  • Hoe and hand-weed on the 30th day of sowing.
  • Earth up and form new ridges so that the plants come directly on the top of the ridges. This will provide additional anchorage to the plants.

Top Dresssing with N

  • Place half of the dose of N on the 25th day of sowing along the furrows evenly and cover it with soil.
  • Place the remaining quarter of N on the 45th day of sowing