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Crop Production :: Millets :: Maize :: Irrigated Maize
Application of Fertilizer
  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendation as far as possible. If soil test recommendation is not available adopt a blanket recommendation of 135:62.5:50 NPK kg/ha.
  • Apply quarter of the dose of N; full dose of P2O and K2O basally before sowing.
  • In the case of ridge planted crop, open a furrow 6 cm deep on the side of the ridge, at two thirds the distance from the top of the ridge.
  • Apply the fertilizer mixture along the furrows evenly and cover to a depth of 4 cm with soil.
  • If bed system of planting is followed, open furrows 6 cm deep at a distance of 60 cm apart.
  • Place the fertilizer mixture along the furrows evenly and cover to a depth of 4 cm with soil.
When Azospirillum is used as seed and soil application, apply 100 kg of N/ha (25% reduction on the total N recommended by soil test).

Deficiency Symptoms

Nitrogen deficiency


Leaves become yellow, older leaves show drying at the tips which progress along mid veins, stalks become slender.

Phosphorus deficiency


Leaves are purplish green during early growth. Growth spindly, slow maturity, irregular ear formation.

Potassium deficiency


Leaves show yellow or yellowish green streaks, become corrugated. Tips and marginal scorch.  Tips end in ears are poorly filled. Stalks have short internode. Plants become weak and may fall down.

Magnesium deficiency


Older leaves are the first to become chlorotic at margins and between veins. Streaked appearance of leaves. Necrotic or chlorotic spots seen in leaves.

Zinc deficiency


Older leaves have yellow streaks or chlorotic striping between veins. In several cases, unfolding of young leaves, which may be white or yellow.

Iron deficiency


Interveinal chlorosis. The entire crop may exhibit bleached appearance.