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Crop Production :: Millets :: Maize :: Irrigated Maize

Use mechanical threshers to separate the grains from the shank

Stage of Harvest

Observe the following symptoms, taking into consideration the average duration of the crop.
i.   The sheath covering the cob will turn yellow and dry at maturity.
ii. The seeds become fairly hard and dry.  At this stage the crop is ready for harvest.

Harvesting the Crop

  • Tear off the cob sheath by using the gunny needle and remove the cobs from the plant.
  • Carry out harvest operations at a single stage for easy transportation.

Threshing the Cobs

  • Dry the cobs under the sun till the grains are dry.
  • Use mechanical threshers or by running the tractor over dried cobs to separate the grains from the shank.
  • Clean the seeds by winnowing
  • Collect and store the dry grains in gunnies.