Crop Production :: Oil Seeds :: Sesame


Sesame - Nutrient Management


4. Nutrient Management

Fertilizer application

  • Prior to last ploughing, spread FYM or composted coir pith or compost @ 12.5 t/ha then plough and incorporate it
  • Test the soil and apply fertilizers as per the recommendation


  • If soil test and bio-fertilizer treatments are not done, apply 23:13:13 kg NPK/ha or if bio-fertilizer treatments done and soil test not done, apply 17:13:13 kg NPK/ ha
  • Apply TNAU MN mixture @ 7.5 kg/ha as enriched FYM (1:10 ratio)


  • If soil test and bio-fertilizer treatments are not done, apply 35:23:23 kg NPK/ha or if bio-fertilizer treatments done and soil test not done, apply 21:23:23 kg NPK/ha
  • Apply TNAU MN mixture @ 12.5 kg/ha as enriched FYM (1:10 ratio)

Fertilizer Application Herbicide Application