Nutrition :: Oilseeds :: Sesame



Deficiency Symptoms

  • Deficiency symptoms appear in the form of interveinal chlorotic mottling of apical part of the second set of leaves.
  • The entire lamina become severely mottled and the interveinal chlorotic areas develop light brown irregular necrotic patches.
  • These patches, which are initially more conspicuous near the leaf tips, later spread to the entire lamina, which eventually turn severely necrotic.
  • Symptoms gradually spread from the middle to the young and old leaves.

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of 0.2%MnSO4 (2g/lit)solution 2-3 times at weekly intervals, after the appearance of deficiency symptoms.

  • Mix 10 kg MnSO4/ha with 45 kg of soil and broadcast evenly in the beds after sowing.


Updated on Apr 2023  
Fodder Cholam