Egg Marketing Channels
- The efficiency of marketing channel is reflected by the share of the consumers rupees received by the producer. The higher the share, greater the efficiency of marketing channel
- Egg prices vary from one market to another and from one season to another. In summer, wholesale egg prices were low to the level which is sometimes lesser than the cost of production. Therefore proper attention has to be given to efficient disposal of market eggs.
1. Direct marketing Channel
- Sales from the farm (farm gate)
- Door-to-door sales
- Producers’ markets and
- Sales to local retail shops.
2. Typical marketing channel
- Collectors
- Assembly merchants
- Wholesalers
- Retailers
3. Organized Marketing Channel
- Direct Channel: Producer – Consumer
- Producer–Collector–AssemblyMerchant–Wholesaler–Retailer–Consumer
- Producer – Wholesaler –Retailer – Consumer
- Producer – Collector- Assembly Merchant – Consumer
- Producer – Retailer - Consumer
Authorities :
1. National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC)
- NECC was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act in May 1982. With a membership of more than 25,000 it is the largest single association of poultry farmers in the world.
- Most of today’s egg production in India comes from NECC members.
- NECC has various centres and they exchange information among themselves which help them to determine price for each zone.
- Co-ordination between zones permits judicious movement of eggs dependent upon supply and demand.
NECC Objectives :
- Price declaration.
- To decide upon a reasonable price for eggs this ensures a fair return to the farmers, decent margins to the middleman and a fair price to the customer.
- To monitor the egg stock level in different production centres.
- To organize and unite poultry farmers across the country.
- To generate employment by encouraging people to take up egg farming and egg trading.
- To promote exports and develop export markets.
2. National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED)
It has taken up egg marketing in New Delhi and extended to terminal markets like Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, Hyderabad and some other important industrial areas.
NAFED Objectives :
- Provision of reasonable remuneration to the poultry farmers.
- Economic price to the consumer.
- Employment to the weaker section of the society.
Source : Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University,
Updated on March 2015 |