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Managemental Interventions

Follicular wave synchronization for augmenting fertility in dairy cattle

  • Repeat breeding is the most serious reproductive problem affecting 30-40% of the total Indian cattle and buffalo population causing a loss of Rs. 40,000-50,000 crores annually.
  • At farmer’s level, each missed oestrum is a missed opportunity, as the farmer incurs a loss in the productive life of the animal by 21 days.
  • Administration of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue (Eg: Buserelin acetate; 8-10 μg, i.m.) on Day 6 of the oestrous cycle (Day 0 = oestrus) resulted in conversion of two wave cycles into three wave ones.
  • The conception rate of repeat breeding crossbred with ovulatory disturbances and sub- clinical infections could be increased by 40% by application of follicular wave synchronization technology
cross bred pig

Source : TANUVAS, Chennai.

Updated on Dec 2014


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