The Tamil Nadu agricultural University plays a key role in developing bee keeping.
TNAU Bee park |
Hands on training to farmers at TNAU |
In a training to farmers to alleviate the fear of stung |
- Commercial apiculture course is offered to under graduate students specialized in agriculture
- Special lecture on bees and bee keeping are delivered from time to time visiting students of other academinic institution
- A bee park has been established recently which serves as an excellent teaching apiary where the behaviour of all bee species can be studied at close quarters
Both short term and long term bee research programme are being carried out on the following topics.
- Prospects of bee keeping with Italian bees in selected regions of Tamil Nadu.
- Biology and management of stingless honey bee
- Behavior of open air nesting honey bees
- Absconding and swarming behavior of Indian bees
- Impact of pesticides on honey bees
- Floral resources for honey bees
- Bee-palm mutualism in coconut
Extension Training
- Different types of bee keeping trainings are arranged by the Department of Entomology
- Hands on trainings are imparted especially to alleviate the fear of getting stung during hive inspection.
Free Training
- Government of India has identified the Department of Entomology as a training centre to impart bee keeping skills.
- One week training is organized exclusively for small and marginal farmers with GOI funds.
- Number of trainings per year:2-3
Pay and learn training
- Trainings are organized for one day on pay and learn basis on every 6th day of the month.
- Training fee excluding boarding and lodging Rs.150/-
- Bee keeping manual is provided to each participant on cost
Hands on training
Motivational training
Training duration :1-2 days
Collaborators : Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Training Fee : Free
Other activities
- Farm school on bee keeping through All India Radio
- Bee keeping correspondence course in association with Directorate of Extension
- Education based on need
- Consultancy visits to private apiaries to solve field problems
Consultancy is provided in the following fields on nominal cost.
- Hiving natural bee colonies
- Driving off rock bees from combs without killing them.
- Sale of comb foundation sheets
- To start commercial apiary unit
For further queries and clarifications, please contact
The Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Entomology
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore 641 003
Phone: 0422-431214