11. Poultry Development
Objective: The main objective of financing poultry is to increase egg/meat production by meeting financial requirement of the proponents who are willing to undertake poultry as a subsidiary or main occupation.
- Financing can be considered for the following types of poultry schemes.
- Establishment of small poultry (layer or broiler) units of 200 to 500 birds as subsidiary occupation by the farmers and agricultural labourers.
- Individual registered partnership firms limited companies and registered co-operative societies having necessary trained and technical personnel and management experts for running following commercia
l poultry units.
- Establishment/expansion of layer farm,
- Establishment/expansion of broiler farm,
- Establishment /expansion of hatchery farm,
- Establishment / expansion of production –cum- processing units.
The following items are eligible for finance under different poultry schemes.
- Construction of brooder/grower houses, feed godowns, acquisition of electricity and water supply, purchase of cages, purchase of feeders, waterers, feed/egg, trolleys, vaccination equipments ,etc.
- Poultry co-operative may require finance for purchase of feed mixing plant, feed ingredients and for stocking of feeds for their members.
- Integrated layer units will also require finance for construction of broiler houses, purchase of machinery/equipment for dressing of bird, refrigerated storage facilities for dressed birds and refrigerated van for their transport.
- Hatchery units will require finance for egg rooms fumigation room, egg cooling room, room for egg incubators, room for chick sexing, vaccination and packing room.
- Larger poultry units may also require finance for purchase of air conditioners, stand-by generator.
1. Individual farmers/agricultural labourers who are experienced / trained in poultry management are taking up poultry farming as a subsidiary occupation.
2. Individual registered partnership firms, limited companies, etc., are eligible for bank credit for large poultry units. These units should have trained/ technically qualified personnel for running the unit.
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12. Purchase of Land For Agricultural Purposes
To make the small and marginal holdings economically viable
To bring fallow lands and waste lands under cultivation
To step up agricultural production and productivity
To finance the share croppers/tenant farmers to purchase land to enable them to increase their income
Eligibility: Small and marginal farmers i.e. those who would own maximum of 5 acres of non-irrigated land or 2.5 acres of irrigated land including purchase of land under the scheme. Sharecroppers & tenant farmers can also be covered under the scheme.
Purpose: The objective of the scheme is to finance farmers to purchase, develop and cultivate agricultural as well as fallow and waste lands. Banks may also consider financing purchase of land to enable the farmers to diversify into other allied activities. The bank while considering finance for purchase of land should obtain complete details of the project proposal of the farmer.
Farmers be financed purchase of land within village boundary or in a radius of 3 to 5 Kms to the satisfaction of the Bank as regards viability
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