Activities Of The Department Of Plant Molecular Biology And Biotechnology
The following major programmes, which were chosen based on the needs of the farming community, are being undertaken at this department.
Genetic Transformation
- Engineering rice for resistance to major pests and diseases.
- Engineering rice cultivars with enhanced nutritional quality with special reference to pro-vitamin A (Golden rice) and iron
- Development of drought and salinity tolerant rice and groundnut
- Genetic transformation of brinjal for resistance to insects
- Development of GM papaya and GM banana resistance to papaya ring spot virus and buncy top virus respecitively
- Transformation of cassava, groundnut and tomato with genes conferring resistance to major viral diseases
- Engineering cotton for resistance to bollworms using Bt genes
- Development of low phytate maize suitable for poultry industry
- Transformation of sugarcane with genes conferring resistance to red rot disease.
- Genetic transformation of Jetropha.
Fig: Genetic Transformation
Gene Isolation
- Isolation of Bt genes from native isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis and development novel Bt gene sequences to enhance insecticidal spectrum.
- Isolation of genes conferring resistance to insects, fungal and viral disease for use in developing transgenic crops
- Isolation of genes associated with stress tolerance in rice
- Identification of resistance genes for red rot disease of sugarcane
- Identification of genes conferring seed quality traits
Molecular Markers
- Marker assisted selection for resistance against major insects of rice
- Marker assisted selection for abiotic stress tolerance in rice
- Evolving bacterial leaf blight resistance rice cultivars through molecular markers assisted selection
- Development of low phytate maize through marker assisted breeding
- Development of cotton for drought tolerance and fibre quality through marker aided selection
- Marker assisted selection for MYMV resistance in mungbean
- Marker assisted selection of salt and drought tolerance in pulses
- Marker assisted selection for salt tolerance in Cenchrus
Gene Isolation
A collection of about 500 isolates of indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis weremade and three cry2A genes were cloned. The proteins encoded by indigenous cry genes showed significant toxicity against rice leaffolder and cotton bollworm. Two chitinase genes which confer resistance to fungal pathogens were isolated fromTrichoderma viride and successfully tested in model plant system. A coat protein gene of peanut bud necrosis virus was isolated and introduced into tobacco and tomato for imparting resistance to viral diseases. Water stress induced genes in rice were identified.
Genetic Transformation
Transgenic rice lines of locally adapted varieties expressing and disease resistance (fungal and bacterial diseases) were developed and evaluated under field conditions. Transgenic brinjal lines expressing resistance to fruit and shoot borer were generated and these lines are being field tested. Protocols for transformation of papaya, tomato, banana, and cotton were developed.
Molecular Markers
Molecular markers associated with resistance to yellow stem borer, leaffolder, brown plant hopper and white backed plant hopper were identified. Quantitative trait loci associated with yield and yield components under drought stress in field condition have been mapped both under managed stress and target rainfed environments. A drought tolerant rice culture, PM01011 has been submitted for approval for release for cultivation in Ramnad and Sivaganga districts. A recombinant inbred line CB(MAS)26004 resistant to yellow stemborer developed and being tested under multi location trials (MLT).
Tissue Culture
Protocols for micro-propagation of banana, neem, jamun, pomegranate, rose, Paulownia, orchid, sthalavriksha (trees) were established. A large number of anther culture derived mapping populations were developed for mapping genes for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.