.Pod borer (Earwigs): Anisolabis stalli
Symptoms of damage
- Nymphs and adults bore into tender pods and feed on the seeds.
- Damaged pods show bore holes plugged with excreta, sand particles and discoloured pulps.
- Severely damaged pods without kernal.
- Infested pods are prone to secondary damage by fungal infection.
Identification of the pest
- Eggs: Laid in clusters in soil and sometimes inside the damaged pods.
- Nymph: Resemble the adults, white in early stages and turns light brown.
- Adult: Dark brown to black with forceps like caudal cerci and white leg joints.
- Apply carbofuran 3 CG @ 20 kg/ac in endemic areas to the soil prior to sowing.
- Repeat soil application on the 40th day of sowing and incorporate in the soil during the earthing up
![](Pod borer (Earwigs) adult 2.jpg) |
![](Damaged pods by podborer.jpg) |
Adult |
Damaged pods |