White grubs : Holotrichia consanguinea and Holotrichia serrata
Symptoms of damage
- Wilting of plants in patches.
- Wilted plants do not have taproot and rootlets.
- The grubs feed on the root and rootlets.
- Adult beetles feed on the foliage and are capable of defoliating plants and even trees like neem, banyan. Feeding is carried out during night.
Identification of the pest
- Eggs: Creamy white and round shaped and laid in clusters.
- Grub: Creamy white colored with brown head, fleshy, curved and C shaped.
- Pupa: Pupation deeper in soil in earthen chambers.
- Adults: Dark brown beetle with striated wings not covering the abdomen fully. Beetles emerge from soil with monsoon showers.
- Deep summer ploughing with pre-monsoon showers to expose grub and pupa to predation by birds.
- Set up a light trap @ 1 / ha or bonfires to attract and kill the adults on receipt of summer showers.
- Collect and destroy the adult beetles harboured in neem and Ailanthus trees near groundut fields in the evening hours using powerful petromax lights
- Adequate irrigation in endemic areas reduce the grub attacks on roots
- Apply Carbofuran 3 CG 13.3 kg/ac
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Plant damage by whitegrub |