Groundnut leaf miner: Aproaerema modicella
Symptoms of damage
- Young larvae mine into the leaves and feed the leaflets.
- Short brownish blotches on the leaflets.
- Grown up larvae web the leaflets together, feed on tissues and form brown blister-like blotches.
- In severe infestation, damaged leaflets roll, shrivel, dry up and gives a burnt appearance
Identification of the insect pest
- Eggs : Shiny white eggs laid singly on underside of the leaflets.
- Larva: Green coloured with pale brown head and prothroax.
- Pupa: Reddish brown, pupate in white silken cocoons within webbed leaflets.
- Adult: Tiny brown moth about 6 mm in length with a white spot on the costal margin of forewing
- Hindwings with fringed hairs
ETL: 1 larva /meter row
- Sow groundnut early and synchronously in rainy and rabi season.
- Intercrop groundnut with pearl millet @ 4:1 ratio.
- Set up light trap @ 1/ha between 8 and 11 PM at ground level.
- Mulch the soil with straw within 10 days after germination wherever possible.
- Avoid water stress in irrigated crop to avoid the pest infestation.
- Maintain the fields and bunds free from weeds.
- Spray Quinalphos 25 EC @ 400 ml/ac
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Leaf damage |
Damaged plant |
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Larva |