Tingid or Lace wing bug: Stephanitis typicus
Symptoms of damage |
- Grubs bore into the rhizome and cause death of the plant
- Presence of dark coloured tunnels in the rhizomes.
- Death of unopened pipe, withering of outer leaves.
Yellowish spots on leaves |
Adult |
Leaf Spot |
Identification of pest |
- Nymphs: Yellow colour nymphs found on the under surface
- Adult: Yellow colour with minute fringed wings, seen under surface of leaves
Management |
- Collect and destroy the damaged leaves, flowers and fruits along with life stages
- Use yellow sticky trap at 15/ha
- Spraying dimethoate 30 EC 850 ml/ha
- Spray methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit
- Spray carbendazim 3g/ litre of water Application of press mud at 5 kg per tree reduces the wilt incidence