Bean Root Rots: Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium, Fusarium solani
Many fungi, including Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium species and Fusarium solani, form species phaseoli, live in the soil and will infect young seedlings or the seeds of bean plants.
Seedlings fail to emerge after planting when the seeds rot in the soil or young seedlings may be stunted.
Plants are usually affected slightly above or below the soil line with a watery soft rot. Roots of the plant usually die and leaves turn yellow.
Do not plant beans in low, poorly drained areas. Plant on raised beds.
Plant after the soil has warmed to 69° F at a 4 inch depth. Reduce disease buildup in the soil by rotating locations in the garden where you plant bean or pea with other vegetables.
Try to avoid injury to the root system, which often occurs during planting, through cultivation or due to a large population of nematodes in the soil.
Remove crop debris immediately after harvest. Plant seeds previously treated with captan. Apply chemicals according to directions on the label.